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A Thousand Perfect Notes C G Drews 9781408349908 Books

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Download PDF A Thousand Perfect Notes C G Drews 9781408349908 Books

A Thousand Perfect Notes C G Drews 9781408349908 Books

Fifteen year old Beck has been playing the piano for as long as he can remember. He longs to play the music he composes in his head, but is forced to play the classics by his violent mother. The more mistakes he makes, the worse the consequences are. As Beck strives for perfection to please his mother, he begins to resent playing the piano all together.

When Beck is forced to partner with a girl named August for a school project, he is drawn to her eternal optimism, but feels forced to push her away. His mother would never approve of the distractions a friendship would create. As August refuses to give up on Beck, he can't help but wonder if a new life could be waiting just around the corner if he only dares to stand up to his mother. Is he willing to risk everything he's known for a chance at happiness?

A Thousand Perfect Notes is the debut novel of C.G. Drews, and I absolutely adored her novel. I'd been in quite the reading slump, and this was the first book in a while that I couldn't put down - in fact, I stayed up until almost 1am finishing it, even though I needed to be up early for work the next day.

If you're part of the book blogging or bookstagram community, you've probably read Cait's blog, PaperFury, at some point, and you know she has an amazingly distinct voice, which is a huge part of why people love her! She's funny, honest, and relatable, and that translated really well into A Thousand Perfect Notes. There were points throughout the book that made me laugh, and parts that broke my heart, and I loved every second of it.

Speaking of the writing, it was so clear to me that this book was so thought out. The title, A Thousand Perfect Notes, comes up at the end of the book, but throughout the novel, there are multiple uses of "thousand", (for example: "a thousand little knives" and "a thousand pieces of dread") which I loved. I felt like it was a really nice touch, and wasn't overdone. The book obviously features music, but I loved how well the theme was carried out. You can tell that Drews is very knowledgeable about music, and you can feel that in the book.

On a more heavy note, this book does contain abuse, and it's a big part of the story line. The emotion that these parts of the book evoked shattered my heart. Seeing Beck try and remain strong, shield his baby sister from the violence, and yet still try to please his mom really endeared his character to me. This all comes to a head at the end of the book, which of course, I wont spoil for you. I will say that I loved the ending of the book, and I felt like it was very realistic and hopeful despite not being an ending many readers of YA contemporary are used to reading.

All in all, I rated A Thousand Perfect Notes 5 incredible stars! If you're a fan of contemporary stories, you should definitely pick this one up!

"Music is nothing unless it fills your soul with colour and passion and dreams"

Read A Thousand Perfect Notes C G Drews 9781408349908 Books

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A Thousand Perfect Notes C G Drews 9781408349908 Books Reviews

This. Book.  Cait, what have you done.

I went into this not really having a clue what it would be about other than it's dark, Beck's mom is horrible, and it's about music.  Oh, and there would be a girl named August in it.

I was absolutely blown away by this book.  I'm not going to lie, I went in with low expectations specifically after reading a book by another Bookstagram community member and not being impressed with it.  This story was so raw and powerful, that I actually felt my black heart crack a bit because of the feels.

Beck is 100% a squish and needs lots of love, food, and protection.  I freaking loved how protective he was of his sister, despite acting like a complete butt to everyone else, when he was actually around anyone else.

I loved how August's thing wasn't that she wanted to fix him.  She just wanted to be friends, and their relationship was so sweet and adorable I couldn't handle it.  When the book started and August was introduced, I was worried the whole "oh, but I can fix him or adopt him" thing would come up with August and Beck and the relationship would be really toxic and unhealthy, but it wasn't.  It was really innocent.

Poor Beck dealt with so much and while I wanted to throttle him for not speaking up, I get why he did it.  I don't even know what I'd do if I had to deal with what he dealt with (truthfully, I'd probably be like Beck and not say anything so that the person I love is safe).

The Maestro was awful and I hated her.  Gah, she was so well-written, though.

The story was so good! Like I said above, I didn't know where any of this was going, but the romance was super subtle and sweet, the character development and Beck's choices were the focal point of the story, and I really liked that because it gave him space to grow and become a strong character.

Not 100% sure how I feel about his uncle, Jan.

August and her parents were AMAZING.  Also I loved that they had an animal house.  It was great.

I really recommend anyone read this.  One warning, though, is if you've suffered traumatic abuse, maybe wait until you've got that stuff a little more dealt with before reading this.  It's harsh and truthful about domestic abuse from a parent to a child.

Other than that, this was an amazing book, and everyone should read it.
Fifteen year old Beck has been playing the piano for as long as he can remember. He longs to play the music he composes in his head, but is forced to play the classics by his violent mother. The more mistakes he makes, the worse the consequences are. As Beck strives for perfection to please his mother, he begins to resent playing the piano all together.

When Beck is forced to partner with a girl named August for a school project, he is drawn to her eternal optimism, but feels forced to push her away. His mother would never approve of the distractions a friendship would create. As August refuses to give up on Beck, he can't help but wonder if a new life could be waiting just around the corner if he only dares to stand up to his mother. Is he willing to risk everything he's known for a chance at happiness?

A Thousand Perfect Notes is the debut novel of C.G. Drews, and I absolutely adored her novel. I'd been in quite the reading slump, and this was the first book in a while that I couldn't put down - in fact, I stayed up until almost 1am finishing it, even though I needed to be up early for work the next day.

If you're part of the book blogging or bookstagram community, you've probably read Cait's blog, PaperFury, at some point, and you know she has an amazingly distinct voice, which is a huge part of why people love her! She's funny, honest, and relatable, and that translated really well into A Thousand Perfect Notes. There were points throughout the book that made me laugh, and parts that broke my heart, and I loved every second of it.

Speaking of the writing, it was so clear to me that this book was so thought out. The title, A Thousand Perfect Notes, comes up at the end of the book, but throughout the novel, there are multiple uses of "thousand", (for example "a thousand little knives" and "a thousand pieces of dread") which I loved. I felt like it was a really nice touch, and wasn't overdone. The book obviously features music, but I loved how well the theme was carried out. You can tell that Drews is very knowledgeable about music, and you can feel that in the book.

On a more heavy note, this book does contain abuse, and it's a big part of the story line. The emotion that these parts of the book evoked shattered my heart. Seeing Beck try and remain strong, shield his baby sister from the violence, and yet still try to please his mom really endeared his character to me. This all comes to a head at the end of the book, which of course, I wont spoil for you. I will say that I loved the ending of the book, and I felt like it was very realistic and hopeful despite not being an ending many readers of YA contemporary are used to reading.

All in all, I rated A Thousand Perfect Notes 5 incredible stars! If you're a fan of contemporary stories, you should definitely pick this one up!

"Music is nothing unless it fills your soul with colour and passion and dreams"
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