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⋙ Read Gratis How To Find The Right Person To Date A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right Partner And Detecting An Abuser Celia John 9781500885243 Books

How To Find The Right Person To Date A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right Partner And Detecting An Abuser Celia John 9781500885243 Books

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How To Find The Right Person To Date A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right Partner And Detecting An Abuser Celia John 9781500885243 Books

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Read How To Find The Right Person To Date A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right Partner And Detecting An Abuser Celia John 9781500885243 Books

Tags : How To Find The Right Person To Date: A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right Partner And Detecting An Abuser [Celia John] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <h3><b>How To Find The Right Person To Date: A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right Partner And Detecting An Abuser </b></h3> <b>Relationship and Dating Advice for Women and Men</b> We all would like to know the secret to finding a good partner and avoiding being in a toxic relationship. This relationship self-help book gives relationship advice and help for all the men and women out there who are looking for the right one. Who doesn’t want to fall in love and find the right partner? However,Celia John,How To Find The Right Person To Date: A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right Partner And Detecting An Abuser,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,150088524X,Dating,Dating, relationships, living together & marriage,Family & Relationships,Family & Relationships Dating,FamilyMarriage

How To Find The Right Person To Date A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right Partner And Detecting An Abuser Celia John 9781500885243 Books Reviews

I've read newspaper stories about men who were serial abusers - as one woman managed to leave him, the man would go out and find another, seemingly a reformed character until the abuse started again. Usually the man had drained the first wife's bank account, incurred debts and sold her house. She - or the second or third victim - went public so as to stop him from doing this again. Unless an abused partner does go public, nobody may know the truth.

Celia John has told her own soul-wrenching story up front in this book, and follows it with a description of all the tell-tales of an abuser and an abusive relationship. Types of abuse may include verbal, financial, emotional, physical, sexual. The abuser will never be really sorry, although they may say they are. The abuser is totally self-centred and neither respects their partner nor cares about their feelings. They will isolate the partner, prevent them from working, getting education or holding money, and may start a family to trap the partner in the relationship and exercise control over and through the children.

By the middle of the book we also get more positive images presented, of what a good, healthy, growing relationship looks like. Young people who did not grow up in a supportive atmosphere or who have a poor self-image are more likely to fall into the trap of the abuser.

Violence and threats may occur in such relationships and may occur after a partner states that they are leaving. Some abusers will turn into stalkers while others will just move on and look for the next victim of their charm and lies.

With the help of this book, readers can gain the strength to recognise what the relationship they are in is genuinely like. If it is unhealthy, Celia suggests deciding whether the issues can be mended or the relationship should end. Some workbook-type exercises are provided which involve making lists and asking questions. Social theory models are explained, with comments. Celia reiterates that help is available and that volunteers will often have been through similar situations.

I would give this easy-read book full marks if case studies were included, like my example at the top. We only see Celia's story, and a couple of lines about a singer to illustrate that income level has nothing to do with control freaks and abusers. Sometimes a real person's story has more resonance with a reader and they can picture the situation more easily than from a straight text. However the fact that the book is gender-neutral throughout is a reminder that anyone can find themselves in this difficult situation. I commend Celia for her responsible studies and efforts to help other survivors of bad relationships - and her wish to stop others from being so deceived.

A novel describing this situation is 'Sleeping With The Enemy' by Nancy Price, which was filmed with Julia Roberts.
In relationships, abuse --- of women, children, and even men --- is an all-too-common occurrence. Statistics provide a sad commentary on how many people find themselves trapped in controlling, manipulative, hateful relationships that they then can't seem to escape.

Author Celia John knows that kind of feeling first-hand. Her book, "How to Find the Right Person to Date A Step By Step Guide to Finding the Right Partner and Detecting an Abuser," is her response to her own experience.

Her work is a nonfiction compilation of statistics, criteria, and questions for self-examination. She discusses the different types of abuse; the distinction between a good relationship and a bad one, and between a good partner and an abusive one; and guidelines for deciding whether you're in an abusive relationship, and for deciding how to respond and find help.

Having been in an abusive relationship myself, the information that comprises the book is familiar to me. I was most interested in the author's personal experience in an abusive relationship, but that portion of the book was very brief. I feel strongly that her work would have been more powerful and would have had more impact on readers if she had written a memoir about her victory over her past abuse.

As it stands, the book offers useful information, but in a dry, lecture tone that I found difficult to follow. The information is overly simplified and comes across as almost condescending.

Many of the sentences are written according to the same structure over and over, with little variation for interest or impact, and the repetition (both of sentence type and information delivered) was at first dull and eventually frustrating. Furthermore, many sentences are awkwardly organized; there are too many words used to say what a single word or phrase could more efficiently say; and assorted typos proved distracting as I tried to focus on the content.

As aforementioned, the work contains well-researched information, much of it backed and made credible by Celia John's personal experience. If she had written about her own story in detail and as a memoir or documentary, I (as a past abuse victim myself) would have found it much easier to follow her story and empathize with her.

# # #

Title "How to Find the Right Person to Date A Step By Step Guide to Finding the Right Partner and Detecting an Abuser"
Author Celia John
Purchase here http//

Disclaimer I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest, though not necessarily positive, review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
I am sharing this with my granddaughters! Thanks!
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